Nurturing Excellence Together

  1. Maths Multiplication Page

Learning to Multiply (X)

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Learning Objective

Clip to support understanding

  • recall all multiplication facts to 12 × 12; *Note by the end of Year 4 all children should know their times tables off by heart


  • add two or more single-digit numbers mentally

Why add? When you are finding ‘lots of’ you may be adding how many are in more than one group

for example

3x2 is     3 lots of 2     or 2+2+2

This is called repeated addition


  • partitioning numbers understanding the value of each digit


  • work out products such as 70 × 5, 70 × 50, 700 × 5 or 700 × 50 using the related fact 7 × 5 and their knowledge of place value


  • Partitioning numbers understanding the value of each digit


  • Repeated addition on a number line


  • Arrays- this is a visual way of working out


5 x 3 = 3 x 5 = 15                    5 lots of 3        or       3 lots of 5




  • Multiplying using partitioning

Children can break a number up into easier numbers to work with.

Eventually they will be able to do this mentally.


  • Multiplying using the grid method


  • Multiplying in columns-2 digits by 1 digit, 3 digits by 1 digit

e.g. 21x7    121x2


  • Multiplying by more than 1 digit and using a place holder

e.g. 24x28   128x 38   1627x 127


  • Multiplying in columns with a carry

e.g. 267x142

Video (this clip also shows place holders)

  • Multiplying decimals


  • Multiplying fractions

e.g.3/5 x 2/4


  • Multiplying mixed fractions

e.g. 2  1/2  x 3  2/5
