Welcome to

Grange Primary School



Welcome to Grange Primary School, a large, purpose-built primary school in South Ealing. Our whole community strive to Nurture Excellence Together through a wide, relevant and varied curriculum built on our shared values as a Rights Respecting School: Compassion, Honesty, Respect, Confidence, Curiosity and Resilience.


You said... we did
19/06/2023 12:00 AM
You said... we didYou said... we didYou said... we didYou said... we didYou said... we didYou said... we did

We’d love to hear your suggestions.  

There is a real life box next to the new “You said… we did” display in the main Reception foyer, and also an online Google suggestion box available here:  


Virtual School Tour
24/01/2021 12:00 AM
Virtual School TourVirtual School TourVirtual School TourVirtual School TourVirtual School TourVirtual School Tour

Virtual School Tour

Click here to view our Virtual School Tour (.mwp file)

The embedded version of the school tour can be found in the main website menu bar at the top under the About Us tab and then select 'Prospective Parents & Virtual School Tour'.