Welcome to

Grange Primary School

Uniform Shop


All school uniform can be purchased from our local supplier PMG Schoolwear, based in Hanwell. Please view below more details about PMG Schoolwear including uniform price list.


Please view our price list here:


Our School Uniform List


  • Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress
  • Black, grey or white tights or ankle length leggings
  • White polo shirt or buttoned collared shirt or blouse
  • School royal blue fleece or sweatshirt or cardigan
  • Suitable footwear and coat for the season
  • Black shoes only – no trainers, big boots or ballet pumps
  • Boots must be plain black (matt), with no fur, designs or embellishments



  • Blue and white check summer dress
  • Grey shorts with a white polo shirt or buttoned collared shirt
  • Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan
  • Black shoes only – no trainers, big boots or ballet pumps



  • No shaved lines, patterns or pictures in hair
  • No coloured or excessively styled hair
  • No hair extensions
  • Bows, clips and hair ties must be in school colours, plain, and small. No large JoJo bows
  • Headscarves/hijabs must be plain and school colours (black, blue, white or grey)
  • Nail varnish is not allowed
  • Children can wear watches and have small stud earrings, but no necklaces or bracelets permitted. If your child needs to wear religious jewellery, please speak to the class teacher


PE (Physical Education) UNIFORM

  • A plain, white, crew neck t-shirt (not polo shirt) 
  • Plain, navy PE shorts (for warmer months) 
  • Plain, navy jogging bottoms (for colder months) 
  • Plain, navy sweatshirt (for colder months) 
  • Suitable plimsolls or trainers for outdoor games (bare feet for indoor PE)   


Items with brand names and logos will not be appropriate.

All items of the new PE kit can be purchased from many major supermarkets, high street shops and online such as Asda George, Tesco F&F, Primark, Marks & Spencer.